Panagiotes Chalatzoglous

Archon Protopsaltes of the Great Church of Christ

Panagiotes Chalatzoglous, Protopsaltes of the Great Church (1728), was born in Byzantium. He learned letters and was introduced to music by some harioreites monk from Trapezon, a relative of his father, who was also from Trapezon and was a chalatzes in profession.

In order to better learn music, he went to the Holy Mount (Athos) and became a student of the renowed Damian of Vapotedi. On returning to Constantinople, he became a Protopsaltes of the Great Church and had many students.

He composed various pieces, of which we know the calophonic heirmos «Ἔφριξε γῆ» in mode pl. I with kratema, another kratema in grave diatonic mode, and others. He wrote a small Handbook on Music, where he discusses the ftorai, positions, etc. and the relation of Arab-persian music with Byzantine music.

Chalazoglous suffered a lot from pain in the feet. He died in 1748 on Holy Friday.
