Manuel Chrysaphes IIArchon Protopsaltes of the Great Church of Christ Manuel Chrysaphes II, Protopsaltes of the Great Church, was an excellent melodist born in Constantinople. We composed the Old or Slow Anastasimatarion (in which he wrote music for the Eothina of Leo the Wise) and the Old or Slow Sticherarion (in which there are lessons also by his contemporary monk Bartholomew, Domestikos of the Great Lavra in Mount Athos). He composed cherubic hymns «Οἱ τὰ Χερουβίμ», of Great Thursday, Great Saturday, and of the Liturgy of the Presanctified, communion hymns for Sundays in the eight modes, and various other of the year; anoixandaria, polyelei, doxologies, slow pasapnoaria, calophonic heirmoi, topics of the Oikematarion and the Mathetarion, and one Propaideia according the slow Sticherarion genre for practice of the novices, and others. |